Vanitas relatives freisein

Relative freedom
Life seems half as difficult on remote roads
Recognizing your own light brings freedom
If you are too careful to see everything in a playful way
Can It can quickly happen that there are only walls around you
You are never completely free, only the cage gets bigger
In the moment of freedom, think you don't remember
never completely free, only the surroundings become larger
until at the end you realize that you are trapped again
light figures fade quickly when the power the other grows
without noticing you are being controlled
an invisible hand is playing a dice game with you
while you are protesting your freedom
man can never be completely free, only the cage grows
squares, games, CVs, facts and fantasies
hope, sadness, fantasies, seriousness and irony
Life, death and new births, light and shadow, what is true?
everything seems so unapproachable / wonderful