Vasco Rossi ciao

Although, I don't know, I wouldn't want to, but
No, I really don't think it's like that.
It would be convenient, yes, but I'm not like you.
Even if, where will I go, I don't know, or I won't be
No, this is a great love, yes
You want me to tell you like this, but I'm not like you.
Hello, do you know what I'll tell you? HI. I can live without you.
Without so many "ifs", without so many "but whys?"
Without a love like this, I can live, yes.
Hello, you know what hello means ? it means someone else like you.
And never again so many "ifs", and never again any why.
We still delude ourselves, yes.
No, this is a great love, yes
You want me to tell you like this, but I'm not like you.
Hi, do you know what I'm telling you? HI. I can do it without you.
Without any big "ifs", without big "but whys?"
Without a love like this, I can do, yes.
Hello, basically it's enough to say also hello
I'm better off without you.
Without so many "ifs", without so many "but whys?"
Without a love like this, I can live, yes
Hello, you know what does hello mean? it means someone else like you.
And never again will there be so many "ifs", and never again will there be any why.
Without a love like this, I can live, yes. Hello.