Vassline deadenders war

Life is full of never ending challenges and you must fight to survive.
Never too late to fight. Tie your shoe laces tight.
Yet, nothing has begun, but time never ever waits.
You are getting older, The world around you never waits.
Believing that your moment has gone, accepting the delusion that you are done.
Life is full of never ending challenges and you must fight to survive.
Follow the torchlight to prove you are right.
We should learn to live together. Otherwise, we will fall together.
Alone we shall fall apart, but together we shall be unbreakable.
Alone we shall fall apart, but you are not alone.
Take a look around you, you are not alone.
Take a look around you, you are never alone.
What cannot kill us only makes us stronger.
With full force, full mind, swing your fist with everything you've got.
Swing your fist with everything you've got.
On your feet. Wipe the blood.
Stand like steel, so no one can stop us.