Vaultry said the owl to the vulture

We've walked the same path for far too long,
And even though we're divergent, we're always in each others footsteps
I've carried the weight of my guilt while you ate at my conscience
Like it was carrion on the side of the road
It was here we stood and we said we'd change,
So I could face myself for one more day
I saw the hunter in me become a prey to the passion
(of walking beside a vulture)
You promised we'd go our separate ways
So I could face myself for one more day
I hope to God we'll never be the same
If I picked up the pace, and ran ahead
I know you'd still be there if I turned my head
I'm scared to death of temptation and now I'm just counting the hours
Till you'll tempt me again
I wish I'd never gone to war with myself
I'm feeling more and more like its hopeless
We are owls and vultures
We've walked the same path for far too long
You promised we'd go our separate ways
So I could face myself for one more day
I hope to God we'll never be the same