Veggietales i m a tomato

put your hands together!
hit it guys
1, 2, 3
im a tomato
yeah thats what i am
i dont have?
i dont have handa
cuz im a tomato
and no im not a yam
im one hot potato
i'm really great
here we go again
im a tomato
red round and ripe
as a tomato can b
u ask if im happy
well god made me a tomato
you ask if thats great yo
how u doin that without hands
but its good its good
dance everybody dance
alright bring it home
one more time
hey zo zam z za zo
scatawa wawa
clucky ducky
bambo bamobo
diggityigggyt do
booty booty dooty
ah ah i am a toato
thats how im mad yo
i i i am a tomato
most definetally
i i i am a tomoato