Verb T lovfucked up

Love will make you wanna stab your self right? / curl up in a ball and just die / bitch don't you feel the same way? / Ice Cube could you pass the AK / cos today weren't a very great day / time heals all wounds they say / but for now these skies stay grey / so I'm headed for the stars make way / I feel like my insides have been twisted up / been lifted up put back upside down / and I don't give a fuck right now / duck right down, cupid is shooting / you don't wanna be hit and look stupid and goofy / then you see your girl with a dude in a movie / you just annoy her now, boo hoo / she hates you and you hate you too
-I don't understand, I don't know who I am / I've become who I thought you wanted / then I came to find out I wasn't / I don't understand / I don't know who I am / that's just my luck / love will fuck you up