Vestlandsfanden sitt heilt i ro

If you buy a tractor, you must buy diesel.
If you buy a horse, you must buy high.
If you buy a hammer, then you have to buy nails
and if you have got an old woman, then you have to buy a cow.
If you buy a piano with semitones and fifths, you must buy
sheet music and new black shoes.
if you want a computer, you have to buy a printer and in most cases
you have to buy two.
âĂĂĂSit completely at easeâĂĂĂ âĂĂĂ Sit completely at easeâĂĂĂ
It cost a lot of money to push on and you usually end up broke.
Sit completely still, sit completely still. Take it easy, sit still.
If you buy breakfast with juice and rogonsola, you must buy glasses
because it has become sunny. And if you get glasses to sit in the sun
Then you quickly find out that you have to buy a chair.
âĂĂĂSit completely at easeâĂĂĂ âĂĂĂ Sit completely at easeâĂĂĂ
It cost a lot of money to push on and you usually end up broke.
Sit completely still, sit completely still. Take it easy, sit completely still. Be the ones who have money. Be the ones who can afford it.
Be the ones who go further than you can ever go.
If you buy an iPad, you must go online. If you're online for the first time
you have to surf around fine. Do you find a deck of cards to play t you sweat
Do you play against house and home and your future dream.
âĂĂĂSit completely at easeâĂĂĂ âĂĂĂ Sit completely at easeâĂĂĂ
It cost a lot of money to push on and you usually end up broke.
Sit completely still, sit completely still. Take it easy, sit still.
Sit still, sit still. Take it easy, sit completely still.