Succumb to take the Bait, Wake up but its too Late, Non reversable actions have been Sown.
Take Hate and hold it Tight, Might take the rest of Life, To exact the Vengence that is Shown.
Awake to a Rampage in a Time of Fear, Loss of Lives that you hold so Near.
Stuck in the Middle of a Violent Seige, Picking up the pieces and then Proceed.
Gather your Provisions and Take the Fold, Out to the Woodlands and Embrace the Cold.
Devise a new Plan to Banish the Seed, Kill what looks like your Enemy!
Im Defiant One! Im Coming! Called Hell Down Son, You Got It!
Im Defiant One! Remember Me! Avenging Souls From Show Of Apostasy!
Fill the Empty Hole! That's Left In Me!
Taking out Resistance Rung, Here and there One by One, Such a big Invasion Takes a Toll.
Can't help but wonder why, As I gaze Upon Dark Sky, and await the Ambush thats Foretold.
Tranquility, A Dream to me, In My own Minds Eye, Recall times past By.
Taken By Force, On a diffrent Course, Not by My Design!
You took From Me! I take from You! Life For Life! Eye For Eye!
Witness Now! The consequences Of Your Choice!
Ages Will Know of the Bloodline that Stood Against The Tyranny Of Your Ancestry!
(Signed) The Defiant Free!