Vicuña Toy love is an equation

If you love her
Then let her go
If she comes
Back to you
Don't ever allow
Yourself to
Love her once
Once again
Cause she will
Leave you again
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
If you care for
Her then let her
Destroy your
Heart so there's
Not one chance left
For her to do
It again
You'll be safe
With your heart
Broken you'll smile
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about
Love is an equation wise men know nothing about