Vinyl Stickons electric death song

Vinyl Stickons
Electric Death Song
Electric Death Song
You're going round in circles
You don't know where your going
You're going round in circles
You're coming out in rashes
They'll put you up in traction
You're going out of fashion
Since when
I can't believe you said that
I can't believe you heard that
I can't believe you're talking
You don't know where you're going
Your shoes they're not for walking
Someday you'll step on someone
A friend
Last will and testament
Only registered sentiment
No longer conducts electric
You'll never know what hit you
Won't even see it coming
But you know it's coming
Oh yeah
And all the things you wanted
To dedicate your time to
It looks like your time ran out
Last will and testament
Only registered sentiment
No longer conducts electric