Violent Mae in the sun

Maple iridescent leaves
in the sun.
Hemlock shinin' silvers
in the sun.
Lady bird dustin' her feathers
in the sun.
River shimmers, mirrors
in the sun.
How I feel with you
I'm so warm
in the sun.
How I feel with you
I'm so warm
in the sun.
Maple leaves flicker like flame
in the sun.
Hemlock shinin' silvers
in the sun.
How I feel with you
I'm so warm
in the sun.
How I feel with you
I'm so warm
in the sun.
Lady bird dustin' her feathers
in the sun.
River shimmers, mirrors
in the sun.
How I feel with you
I'm so warm
in the sun.
How I feel with you
I'm so warm
in the sun.