Virginia Labuat insomnio

I know that in your silence you talk to me when
your heart explodes,
and you reveal to me that secret that is longed for
inside your colored dreams.
I know that in the corners where you hide there are
unresolved gaps,
and you give me melodies
the corners of yours from yesterday,
that I will paint with notes again.
Feverish insomnia
let the world stop us
I want to live without trembling,
if we have to talk about delivering
what I will say right here in the dark.
I know that even blindly you feel the same
although I cannot caress
that heartbeat that you grant me
when we see the sunrise,
I am falling without a net through your skin.
Feverish insomnia
let the world stop us
I want to live without trembling,
if we have to talk about delivering
what I will say right here in the dark.
If we are walking on the same path
luck has no place
If we are putting together earned moments,
you know, it is not a coincidence.
Feverish insomnia
let the world stop us
I want to live without trembling,
if we have to talk about delivering
what I will say right here in the dark.