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May the Mother of God Help
Time: 5:06
Text: Frantisek Gellner
May the Mother of God Help
Those in Predicament
Ma mila pry are you sick? Ha!
You walk with a leash
In your heart the writing has died down
Vagabond freedom
You have sought a husband
For your births
Ha! Ha!
For your births
A love that once bloomed in the heart
And the light earth is her
If you were mine you would surely be
Not in hope
Ha! Ha!
She was not in hope
I am harmed only by my relatives
Motherland and nation
He burns with his cold breath
All the harvest
Ha! Ha!
All the harvest
My sight has grown cloudy
My lips breathed a blunder
I'll be glad I didn't burn
Your blessed wedge
Ha! Ha!
Your blessed wedge