Vitam Et Mortem invoking the end

Eaters of human flesh, rise!
Plagues of ancient times, let spread!
Queen of death, I invoke your name
Rise all evil to extinguish the life!
In the great pyramids I conjure
The souls guarded by Teoyaomiqui
Those who died in battle front
Bring death and oblivion
To the living world!
With my vile black arts
I spell the canticles carved in stones
To unleash the Tezcatlipoca warhorses
And the plagues to scourge this world
I summon the curse of Malinalxochi
The Death Queen be pierced the lungs
Of manhood with scorpions stings
I call upon the goddess of death and doom
Oh Acolmiztl!
Oh Chalchiutotolin!
Oh Itzpapalot!
Wake up and all destroy!!