Wagner Bertolino i lift my hands eu ergo as mos

I lift my hands
To the coming king
To the great I'm
To you I sing
You're the one Who reigns within my heart
And I will serve no foreign god
Or any other treasure
You are heart's desire
Spirit without measure
Unto your name I will bring my sacrifice
I raise my hands
For the king that comes
For the great I am
I sing like this
There is only one God
who reigns and lives in me
I do not I do not serve another god
Or even some treasure
You are what I want in me
Only you and no other
I bring you sacrifices of praise
And I will serve no foreign god
Or any other treasure
You are heart's desire
Spirit without measure
Unto your name I will bring my sacrifice
I will not I serve another god
Or even some treasure
You are what I want in me
Only you and no other
I bring you sacrifices of praise