Walter Martin charles rennie mackintosh

Charles Rennie Mackintosh
let’s have another cuppa tea
before you wander off
into the cold old Glasgow streets where
the rain don’t never stop
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
as the teapot steeps, I admire every line
and all the high back chairs go “squeak”
and the old tea kettles whine
I find myself at home my friend
in a land that isn’t mine
and oh you’re a wise old man I know
'cause when you built that Glasgow School of Art
you built it out of stone
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
you know I’d love to stay all week
and drink all these teapots dry
but the tea ain’t cheap
in this room that you designed
I wonder what they’re asking for
a little shepherd’s pie
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
now the world has turned
and your old town has changed a lot
and if you walked Buchanan Street,
I’m sure you’d find it odd
Mrs. Cranston sold the building
and they changed the whole facade