Weak Teeth life is bullshit miroki

the descendents of the huddled masses, the post-war dregs: our mothers, our brothers, our names forever ingrained with a humble honor, for the opportunity to give their families a chance for a future in the brave, new free ideas that spoke to something inside every human life.
every hardship and horror they faced is a piece sewn in our history.
so take a long hard look: that's your face in the mirror, your shadow on the wall.
is this the future they fought for, so you could step over millions to serve your self-interest?
you are this cold, dead shiv, so callous and completely accustomed to privilege.
what are you proud of now?
i want out.
i won't be counted among you, i can admit when i'm wrong.
so you can carry this banner, but we won't follow along.
i want out.