Webber Andrew Lloyd the mirror angel of music

Webber Andrew Lloyd
The Phantom Of The Opera
The Mirror (Angel Of Music)
Insolent boy!
This slave
of fashion,
basking in your
Ignorant fool!
This brave
young suitor,
sharing in my
Angel! I hear you!
Speak -
I listen...
stay by my side,
guide me!
Angel, my soul was
weak -
forgive me...
enter at last,
Flattering child,
you shall know me,
see why in shadow
I hide!
Look at your face
in the mirror -
I am there
Angel of Music!
and guardian!
Grant to me your
Angel of Music!
no longer!
Come to me, strange
I am your Angel...
Come to me: Angel of Music...
Whose is that voice...?
Who is that in there...?
I am your Angel...
Come to me: Angel of Music...
Christine! Angel!