Window Seats try hard

She deceives and breaks the rules, you believe bullshit's true.
Another sweet go over and I'm left looking like the fool.
Now she's upset, she's distant, disinterested in us continuing with this.
I've been trying hard to reach you, I've been burning out,
You've been gone so long that I think you forgot about me,
Trying hard to tell you to try romance,
And now past chances gone, gimme one more last one honey.
Trying to find her is like chasing a fake oasis,
I cash in all my karma and my heart's armour is in pieces.
Now she's upset, she's distant,
disinterested in us continuing with this mess.
I've been trying hard to reach you, I've been burning out,
You've been gone so long that I think you forgot about me,
Trying hard to tell you to try romance,
And now past chances gone, gimme one more last one honey.
I've been trying hard to reach you, I've been burning out,
You've been gone so long that I think you forgot about me,
Trying hard, reaching out, running out of time,
I'm burning out because of you, why?