Wisin & Yandel ya me voy

Perhaps how they were raised
perhaps they never had the affection
of a father or a mother
who told him that she loved him
who gave him advice in difficult times
of his life
time passed
and... he ended up on a corner
selling heroin, he went down in history
he never saw his daughter grow up
because at 24 years they blew it up
I'm leaving...if something happens to me
take care of my children
there was a misunderstanding
they blew up my friend
now I have enemies
head on and alone, I explode the war
if something happens to me, take care of my children
I explode the war, take care of my children
I know it's not the right thing to do
I'm going to end badly but...
is it them or is it me
Yesterday they hit my brother with 24 bullets
they sang to him for health in front of his mother
I know it won't It is correct but may God forgive me
let them bring me cigarettes before they bring me flowers
and I have faith that the other side will not give me
if something happens to me on the street, mommy takes care to the baby
yesterday they caught my friend and mashed him up
they want to make me stand up but I don't fall into the net
and father helps my wife, my old woman and my baby
because one of these days I could have mine
and if they cut off my road it's because I didn't understand
the importance of what my mother said.
I'm leaving...if I something is happening
take care of my children
there was a misunderstanding
they blew up my friend
now I have enemies
in front and alone, I explode the war
yes Something is wrong with me, take care of my children
I explode the war, take care of my children.
And now what do I do if they catch me, I will pay for it
My God, help me, I don't want to cause havoc
what bitter pills to swallow How painful the payment is
Mommy, take care of the baby in case I don't wake up by your side
I can't get out of this hole, I'm responsible for the mistakes
I'm in trouble, I'm still up to my neck in mud
br/>for guillarme de rambo for being the owner of the side
the little boy volunteered and gave him the highest rank...
This is how we live today
that friend gave him a I turn to this
envida by envida
things go from bad to worse
I recommend that you make
correct decisions
because in the future
your decisions will speak for you
is what you are doing worth it
ask yourself
your family is waiting for you
I'm leaving now...if it happens to me something
take care of my children
there was a misunderstanding
they blew up my friend
now I have enemies
in front and I only exploit the war
if it happens to me something takes care of my children
I explode the war take care of my children
Respect for all the residential areas
for all the neighborhoods
for the town
from the town duo
W with Yandel
speaking for them
they know why
why sometimes those who have
more try to trample on those who have less
and that is not possible
the dynamic duo
victor el