Wizo alte frau

I ran over an old woman today,
it wasn't intentional and I'm sorry now,
an old woman with snow-white hair
and a gray dress.
I got her I immediately packed her into my car
and took her to the forest.
I buried her in a clearing
on a moonlit night.
She was certainly beautiful when she was younger
and certainly had a husband,
I didn't have a particularly heavy burden to carry,
There wasn't much to her.
Certainly her pension was small
and barely enough for the butter on her bread .
Luckily she doesn't have to worry anymore,
because I drove her to death today.
Everyone has to die sometime, the time will come when
when your last hour strikes, Then it's time for you too.
Everyone has to die once, once it's your turn,
When your time is up, the Grim Reaper comes for you.
I ran over an old woman today,< br/>It wasn't intentional and I'm sorry now,
an old woman with snow-white hair
and a gray dress.
She probably lived over in the high-rise building,
there It's not noticeable when it's missing.
The neighbors hardly know each other's names anyway,
as they say.
Everyone has to die sometime, including YOU!