Wizo diese welt

A world in which fascism is self-evident,
in which only those who have no scruples can become something,
in which people are kept quiet by laws,
and die thousands of times every day through state violence.< br/>A world in which the church represents morality,
a church whose past is smeared with blood.
A world that puts people under constraints every day,
in power and money comes first and humanity last,
I don't want to live in this world - No No
There is no place for me in this world - Not my place
I am not allowed to exist in this world,< br/>so I shit on this world
A world that still lets its children starve,
in which a few have most and many only have the rest,
A world in which through ignorance people die,
courage and love are spoiled by decadent prejudices.
A world that is not a world in people's heads,
because thinking usually ends on the outskirts of town.
A world that has no room for the individual,
makes all colors gray and flattens fantasies.
I don't want to live in this world...
And yet I dream and have many fantasies ,
And that's why I fight, otherwise the dream will only remain a utopia
I don't want to live in this world...