Woe Of Tyrants kingdom of might dawn in the darkness

But there were changes first, in the valley floors
Where the creatures lurk in the dark no more
Seen in weakness now, they may attack at will
With our swords we'll stand, as one body we'll stand
In unison crying aloud in defiance of death
But there's a way to build a kingdom
Bonding units with one true host, for this is real
The walking dead fight, raise an alert
Attackers from the west they scream with renewed hatred
They fight hard and intense, rest assured in the strength
Of your King, drink only of waters which won't recede
Father of dreams, pick up the broken wings and fill the spaces
Where fallen saints are lacking, bring us visions
Visions of our true home, taking solace in the comfort
Stemmed from angels whispers, encouragement to press on
Into the fire
Pick up the broken wings, warriors of might, prep your armor
And charge forth with swords and shields raised high into the sky
With an urgent cry, a cry of hope
The clouds are moving side to side, shreds of white light
Are squeaking by, with attention to the mourning
The widow and the child
Love does not fail, breathe, breathe the freshest of air
See the whitest of white, and press on through the fight