Wolfgun sundisktransmission

Hello travelers, journeymen, and listening ears.
I am Wolfgun.
This transmission is from a place far away from where you are right now,
so it's impossible to know how long the signal will maintain integrity.
What you have here, Sundisk, and all of its components,
is an exploration of feelings and places.
It's an exercise in personal attachments,
and I sincerely hope that you found it to be listenable, and catchy.
If you sang along to even a track, my mission would be well accomplished.
To be honest, not a lot more can be said.
I am thankful for the response from you in the Starchild transmission,
and although I regretted writing it at first,
through it, I have discovered new fans, friends,
and generally good vibes about my music.
I appreciate any and all feedback that you provide me with.
Each and every word, doodle, reblog, and tweet
about my work means so much to me.
Feel free to contact me using the information provided
in the text file accompanying this transmission.
And I mean that.
As for the future, I do plan on a lot.
With all these things, and with each release,
I strive to become more than what I was before.
I am still just a dim speck of light in the vast emptiness of our cosmos.
But to anybody who has felt its warmth,
please let that energy create something new inside you.
Knowing all of this, I hope that you can agree
in that it really does not matter where we go from here.