World of Pain misconception

i can't see the new breed survive.
how can they, when sensitivity thrives.
words alone, no they don't break bone.
grow some thick skin, don't slit your wrists kid.
find some help, don't take the easy way out.
you don't know my pain.
you can't feel my shame.
that's what you think, now you listen to me.
you're not alone, we've all been there before.
you don't know my pain.
you can't feel my shame.
how can our kids survive when everything makes them cry?
teach them to stand their ground and hold their head up high.
you might think it's all about you but suicide
hurts those around you. it's not the key to be free…
don't you give up on me.
all will pass, it's only a test.
it isn't your time yet.
trust me.