Worlds Scariest Police Chases gay jesus for president

what if god was a gay dude
just a gay dude on the bus
5000 years ago
when the earth was covered in snow
jesus and moses wore fur coats
and rode around on the goddamn dinos
they had a lot of time to talk
about how some of the other guys walked
cause they mustve had sore butts
jesus' dad drowned em in a flood
What if God was gay
you'd look llike the ass he takes it in
what if god was gay
youd have juevos on your face
you could read eccslysiastes
to find your inner peace
if you dont take every word
This old ass literature
Gods inspired word
They try to tell me god is love
his book his written half in blood
worship him hes on your team, and if you dont
he becomes pretty mean
phelway and phelps they were all wrong
god and jesus crave big fat dong
nothing wrong with thatif you ask me
i dont care if they like to drink pee
WHat if god was gay
you dont find him at chick fil a
what if god was gay
What do you think he does sundays?
You think your treasures gauranteed
how ugly is your greed
you dont want to share with folks bcuz there queer
God just might be a chick
who makes you eat a dick
Just a gay dude on the
Just a gay dude on
Just a gay dude on the
Just a gay dude on the BUSSS!!!!!