XETAS the burden

You can tell 'em by their boots
You can taste it in the leather
Yeah I'm tying my own noose
Will it hang me any better?
I can't stand it, little boy like you
And I've had it with your cult of youth
Shoulder the burden
(if you can bear it)
I'll destroy it
(just to repair it)
I don't need it
(If i can't wear it)
Shoulder the burden
You can tell them by their boots
You can taste it in the leather
Yeah I swear I told the truth
Didn't do me any favors
Swear I told the truth
It didn't make it any better
We've outgrown this cult of youth
Can we trust you to know what to do? and
You can taste it on their boots
When they make you lick the leather
I'm tired of feeling the concrete
Beneath my knees and I wanna believe that
If I tell the truth
You will make things better
We've outgrown this cult of youth
Can we trust you
To know what to do with the burden?