XETAS the machine

There's no way you can keep me here
Made up my mind
Don't get caught in the middle
Don't cross that line
You've got facts you can prattle on
Don't waste my time
I've got precious little
Each second's mine
Shut it off
Shut it off
Time won't wind down cause I'm not around
Nor will the sun leave the sky
I won't ask you to understand
Just tell me good-bye
I get so tired of dreaming
Of races run by never won
Get me off this life support I'm fine
Get me off this life support I'm fine
Shut it off
Shut it off
Pull the plug
Cut the cord
Let me go home
I'm fine with dying
I've taken what's been given
I'm fine with dying, I'm sick of trying
I've taken what's been given
Shut it off