Xutos & Pontapés esquadro da morte

Xutos & Pontapés
Death Squad
For not wanting what is given to me
For not wanting government or state
For not having anything and for wanting everything
Death squad makes me run
For not wanting what is given to me
For not even wanting government nor have I been
Because I have nothing and because I want everything
Death squad makes me run
They are there, I can already feel their breath
I turn a corner to see if I can get away
Not that way, there's no way out
Be very careful, you're risking your life
Night is day, and day is night
I have no place to stay
Death squad advances in the dark
And I follow the shadow of the wall
And I follow the scent in the darkness , which leads me where the reason is
And I follow the smell of darkness, which leads me where the reason is
Blood in the mouth of the fall just now
I try to speak, only a hoarse scream comes out
In a dirty alley, in a stairwell
Two gunshots and nothing remains
That's why I ask, I ask the question
Where but where does the reason hide
That's why I ask, I ask the question
Where but where does the reason hide
That's why I ask, I ask the question
Where but where does reason hide
That's why I ask, I ask the question
Where but where does reason hide