Young Disciple he that is slow proverbs 1632

He that is slow, is slow, is slow to anger
Is better, better, better, better than the mighty;
And he that ruleth, ruleth, ruleth, ruleth his spirit
Than he that taketh, taketh, taketh, taketh, a city
He that is slow, is slow, is slow to anger
Is better, better, better, better than the mighty;
And he that ruleth, ruleth, ruleth, ruleth his spirit
Than he that taketh, taketh, taketh, taketh, a city
He that is slow, is slow, is slow to anger
Is better, better, better, better than the mighty;
And he that ruleth, ruleth, ruleth, ruleth his spirit
Than he that taketh, taketh, taketh, taketh, a city
Proverbs sixteen, sixteen, sixteen: thirty-two