Your World Within letters to my younger self

Dear younger me,
There's a lot that you don't know.
A lot you're pretty sure you understand, but couldn't possibly wrap your hands around.
Because the most important things in life, the things that you'll remember, they're the very things that seem like foot-notes in your story.
Background noise, things hidden in plain view.
So, younger me, hear me out, because time, time goes by quickly.
We only get one opportunity to do this dance.
One chance to do this thing right.
Younger me, when you wake up, be thankful for the shoes on your feet, the house you live in, the life you lead.
Because if all you do is focus on what you don't have or the next milestone, happiness becomes a mirage.
Younger me, the world as you know it wasn't something that was destined to be.
It's here because people no smarter than you have the courage to build it.
Never be scared to challenge what is. This place will be better because of it.
Younger me, it will always be easier to play it safe, to stay comfortable, but I want you to understand something: That's not where you'll find the good stuff.
If you don't take chances, you'll spend your time wondering what could have been.
Younger me, believe in your greatness.
This world can be a tough place and if you don't believe in yourself no one will do it for you. No one will hand you the sky.
Earn excellence every day. It's there, I promise.
Younger me, don't get distracted by the small stuff, the little things that so easily consume our energy and emotions.
Don't lose sight of who you are and what means the most to you.
Everything else washes away.
Younger me, you didn't have all of the answers, but somehow you were exactly what I needed you to be.
You created a map.
You showed that change can't happen until one falls victim to life's imperfections.
That risks aren't taken until you've experienced regret.
That confidence isn't acquired if you don't learn to play the student.
Most importantly, if you don't allow yourself to get lost you will never discover who you truly are.
Twenty years from now, when we meet again younger me, I know you'll do the same.
I know you'll have given me everything I needed, nothing more and nothing less because time, time goes by quickly.
We only get one opportunity to do this dance.
One chance to make this right.
I promise you, younger me, that it won't be wasted.