Yves Montand parce que ca me donne du courage

When the postman goes on tour
We hear him humming all morning
Because it gives him courage
It gets his heart back to work
And the painter in building
When he repaints the apartment
Sings happily
The tune of William Tell
On his large scale
Because it gives him courage
It gets his heart back to work
But the notary we see passing by
With his frozen eye
His little briefcase, his overcoat and his stiff air
Shaving his walls of the old Lycée
In small, hurried steps
Ah! How sad, sad, sad he is!
So me when things aren't going well
Well I understood, I sing like that
Tra la la
Because it gives me courage
It gets my heart back to work
Without ticking the clock stops
And without bells there are no flocks
Without love people get bored
br/>Without songs, no heart at work
When the postman goes on tour
We hear him humming all morning
Because it gives him courage
It gives him puts the heart back to work
And the diver at the tavern
When he juggles with the plates
Sings at the top of your lungs
Miss Helyett's tune
And the escarpolette
Because it gives him courage
It puts his heart back to work
Monsieur Mathieu the contentious
Trente sept rue Richelieu
A sad one dark and filthy place
All full of blue paper
Dark glasses that make him see
A world without hope
Ah! how sad, sad, sad he is!
So me when things aren't going well
Well I understood, I sing like that
Tra la la
Because it gives me courage
It gets my heart back to work
Without ticking the clock stops
And without bells there are no flocks
Without love people get bored
br/>Without song, no heart at work