Zacarias Ferreira se marcho el amor

I don't want to remember you
Forget the taste of your kisses
Live as if you didn't exist
And not feel
Your footprints run through my body
More I think that you are made of stone
If I gave you everything
My soul and also my heat
And the sad darkness of the night
The pain in my heart increased
And love left
And it will not return
It disappeared
Like a shooting star (bis)
I suffer and I ask God
Forget your love forever >And push away that dream world
That like a sun
It gave us rays of love
But it was withering in time
Like a flower
In a sad meadow without heat
And you did not feel sorry to destroy my life
You broke my heart into pieces
And love left
And it will not return
It disappeared
Like a shooting star (bis)
I only have you left
The cruel shadow of a goodbye
What you told me when you left
Eternally when I loved you the most< br/>And my dream of living with you
It vanished into thin air
Like a fleeting cloud
And my eyes clouded with tears
They closed when I saw you leave
And love left
And it will not return
It disappeared
Like a shooting star (bis)