Zack Borer southern swing

Did you know?
Could you tell, just when you had me wrapped up in your little spell?
Did you think to yourself, "I got it made?"
I can just sit there without being afraid
Times they go, and times they change
You whispered alone in your southern swing
Remember so, just a year ago
Walking through the district like we'd grown old
Did you think to yourself, I got it made
Cause when I looked at you I knew that I was afraid
And times they go and times they change
You whispered in your...
Southern mistakes, it's where my consequence turns to shame
And all I can't see surrounds me
Southern mistakes, I used to just run away
But now I know it's forever
Ooooh, ooooh, ooh (x4)
Southern mistakes, it's where my consequence turns to shame
And all I can't see surrounds me
Southern mistakes, I used to just run away
But now I know it's forever
Southern mistakes, it's where my consequence turns to shame
And all I can't see surrounds me
Southern mistakes, I used to just run away
But now I know it's forever
I'm gonna leave it all behind me