Zeca Afonso os fantoches de kissinger

Everywhere it shakes
The imperialist wall
At the end of a rifle
The people of Indochina
Sweeping away the bloody land
Kissinger's puppets
But here too You sow
In the courtyard of your factory
In the square of your village
Hunger, prostitution
They are daughters of the same beast
br/>What Kissinger has in his hand
Value to the First Woman
In the fight that awaits us
There is only no life possible
In purchased freedom
In freedom sold
Death is more desired
NATO does not reach grandchildren
Down with the seaplane
At the end of a rifle
The People of Palestine
He sent Golda Meir
A divine message
Don't feel sorry for the CIA
He has raw meat in his claws
It's Kissinger's dove
All Latin America
Remembers their parties
The same troops dominate
The same troops dominate
Only one is an ambassador
But nothing shakes us
br/>Sleeping on the sidewalk
Do like the worker
Sleep on your hoe
Do like the shooter
Sleep on the rifle