Zen Cafe nollapiste

At half past three
the core center
is congested and filled with cars
wet with sweat
jacket in ryut
forward and reflected in the clouds
Helsinki< br/>At the bank girl
hand tied
it looks but not directly at me
even though I try to relax
I feel how she
follows me disapprovingly with her eyes
I woke up yesterday morning
from a messy bed
charged directly to the face
zero point
I am worthless
I proved the other day I tested yesterday
today and yesterday
zero point
zero point
The other week
I didn't drink
for three days in the throes of the flu
now I'm in a different mood
the hell is in the air
in a smoky state he asks for company
I woke up yesterday morning
from the bottom of a messy bed< br/>you charged me straight to the face
zero score
I'm worthless
I showed the other day
I showed today and yesterday< br/>zero point
zero point
If I leave the city, a step requires a leveler
otherwise I will hit the tick in week eight
but it worked yesterday, why wouldn't it work the same way today
Woke up yesterday morning
from the bottom of a messy bed
charged directly to the face
zero point
I am not worth anything
I did the other day
I did today and yesterday
zero point
I woke up yesterday morning
to a messy bed
charged directly to the face
I'm worthless
I did the other day
I did today and yesterday
zero score
zero point