Zizi Possi core ngrato

Cathars, Cathars,
Why do you say these bitter words to me,
Why do you speak to me, O heart
Me turmiento Cathars?
Have you forgotten that I am giving you heart, catari
Don't you forget!
Catari, catari, what is he saying
This is what he is saying, what is it that gives me solace?
Don't you cry for this pain of mine
You don't cry, you don't care
Core, thank you
You took my life.
Everything has passed
And now nce cry little!
Catar, catar,
You don't know that you're finally in a church
I know I'm dressed and I'm praying to God, catar.
And I also said it to my confessor:
I'm suffering
For that girl!
I'm suffering,
I'm suffering, don't you know I can't believe it,
I suffered all the tortures!
O confessor who is a holy person,
He said to me: my son, let her be, let her be .
Heart, thankless heart
You took my life.
Everything has passed
And I don't cry anymore!