Zmelkoow bit

we hit philosophy in the eela
we found a round and fat bit
she was hiding on an island in the middle of the ocean
with an ice cream in her hand all smiling
you unhappy bit why did you hide
when you weren't there, the world was covered with confusion
people are rushing headlong left and right
they desperately want meaning and essence
have mercy on us and say once and for all out loud
what is the meaning and purpose of how to live
to be happy and healthy from head to toe
the meaning of life is lying on the beach with the brain on off and the čiwawa on the back
hanging in a net between two trees slalom on a plain with rusty wheels
the meaning of life is riding clouds blowing into the sun and breaking steps
dreaming of a steamboat on a blue mirror a picnic with an ant and a hole in a sandal
later she admitted that she had already had a little drink
and that she and Aristippus had smoked one before
however, she didn't get confused and repeated it once
blue recipe and swimming instructions