Zombie Inc. homo gusticus

Knock, knock.
Who is there?
It's the Zombie Inc., mein Herr...
...and we are somewhat ravenous.
Good Grief.
That Bum.
Gonna have to chew it off, Madame.
Cause we are passably murderous.
Cancer-ridden Organs.
Ulcers filled with Pus.
Guess who's on the Menue.
Homo Gusticus.
Blood Fountain.
Red Mist.
Gently sucking on A Liver Cyst.
Pierced Tongues.
Black Lungs.
Finger Food.
Cracked Head.
Wet Mullet.
Bone Marrow running down my Gullet.
Deep Bite.
Yummy Lard.
Cancer-ridden Organs.
Ulcers filled with Pus.
Guess who's on the Menue.
Homo Gusticus.
Crushed in their Sockets.
Fungal Attack.
Seeking Claws in A Chest.
Proud Flesh.
Adipose Tissue.
Expose the Bones.
...is leading us to your Homes.
Cancer-ridden Organs.
Ulcers filled with Pus.
Guess who's on the Menue.
Homo Gusticus.
Homo Gusticus.