ZSK verlieren

Everything is possible
You just have to want
This is the daily game
Between good and evil
Come on, stay peaceful
The dice roll
Whether you like it or not
Those are the rules
Time to lose
And you know exactly that you're not
The winning type
/>Where is your commitment? Are you giving up yet?
If you want to get out, you're done for
Do you have anything else? add something to it
Great happiness is one
step away from you
Come on, stop complaining
Whining here gets
Everyone gets their chance < br/>And if you're not
satisfied, you'll get your
money back. Keep your head up
And please don't be sad anymore
Be the next ticket
You'll definitely win - I promise
Everything will be fine now - because you're there.
Just win, just win
And then lose.
Pre-formed and stuffed
The new plastic man
Now everything will be better for you, me, everyone!