Zurdok si me hablas al revs

Everything seems to be going very well
always a little more than yesterday
manipulative hero
don't tell me what I should do anymore
You didn't do anything that makes you deserve
no I understand nothing if you talk to me backwards
things change, go back to normal
we don't owe you anything for starting
Everything seems to be going very well
always a little more than yesterday
Manipulator hero
Don't tell me what I should do anymore
You are in everything even if you are not
I don't understand anything if you talk to me backwards
be important by talking about more
I am here, tell me where you are
They speak without speaking
you manage everything and only you believe it
I don't understand anything if you talk to me backwards
You know that it is not easy to contain
a person with nothing to lose
They talk without talking
I don't understand anything if you talk to me backwards.
They speak without speaking!