ChristCentric the race

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I got to be strong and go on, no weaker tries,
in a race all run, only one receives the prize!
But Jesus Christ said this way was narrow and
straight, only a few shall enter inside of the gates!
Now it got my eyes open and I see so clearly,
to the true saints don't faint or grow weary!
Got to remember Your Word when Satan's
tempting, I have not shed any blood striving against sin!
I'm white from crimson, thank You Jesus,
'cause by my nature I'm mischievous like Bart Simpson!
In this race I must endure,
don't be a loser, so when I fall, I can repent so the accuser!
When he tries to stain this, and pain this,
and shame this, yet in the Lord's eyes I'm blameless!
You put me down on Your team that's undefeated,
the work that You began in me, You will complete it!
And that's a comforting thought,
knowing that I'm resting in His hands ain't no coming up short!
And that's the truth let me speak this, peep this,
God can show up strong when we walk in our weakness!
And by His grace I give praise to
the Son, no matter the race I must run!
-The race is not given, to the swift, by grace we be driven,
it's a gift, so saints keep living,
and when you slip, get up, remain on course and don't drift!- 2x
Behold the lamb who takes the sins of the
cosmos, appointed 12 who He made Apostles!
Entrusted them to spread the gospel,
go out into the world and make disciples!
Teaching them every thing I have said,
and for the sake of Me your going to lose your head!
But I'll be with you until the end of time,
I'll see you through because I love what is mine!
As for me and my crew,
we're going to serve the Lord,
like-minded, united, yo, in one accord!
Pressing towards the mark for the crown of
glory, and to be with the lamb who is 3 times holy!
Even though I walk through the valley of
death, I got to trust in Him for every single breath!
I will say to the Lord, my refuge, my fortress,
the God in whom I trust, deliver me from the forces!
Of evil, I'm feeble, my hero I need You,
just give me Your strength so I can soar like an eagle!
And never grow tired, enduring to the end,
so when You return You will say my man! My Father in heaven,
thy will be done, no matter what happens, the race I must run!
My Father in heaven, thy will be done,
no matter what happens, the race I must run!
Woe is me and my filthy sin,
in front of the judge I'm just a guilty man!
I deserve justice for my wicked ways,
You deserve all praise for Your amazing grace!
The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall
not want, money, fame, stunts, and blunts!
I can do all things through Christ my force,
He keeps me on track never throws me off course!
I go to Him when I'm stressed and
tired, the Lord my God is a consuming fire!
My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost,
I must keep it pure for the Lord of Hosts!
I try not to follow the deeds of the
flesh, so one day I will enter His eternal rest!
I got to learn to fast and also to
pray, read and meditate on His Word all day!
Thanking God the Son for what He has done,
no matter what happens the race I must run!
Thanking God the Son for what He has done,
no matter what happens the race I must run!