Die Aerzte teddybar

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Ouhohohouhohohouh - my teddy bear...
I went into my room one day
He was sitting there in the same place as always
We used to be the best of friends
But that's over, I left him alone
Button eyes look at me sadly
Button eyes look at me sadly
I loved you as a boy - I forgot you as a man
Ouhohohohohohouh - my teddy
Oh , my teddy, can you forgive me?
Being an adult means despising loyalty
You're covered in dust here
I robbed you of the best years of your life
Oh, my teddy, you can Forgive me?
Being an adult means despising loyalty
You gave me everything, I gave you to the spiders, ohohoh
Oh my teddy, can you forgive me?
Beady eyes look at me sadly ...
Oh, my teddy, can you forgive me?
Ohohoh oh my teddy, can you forgive me?