Estopa tan solo

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I feel so alive
But so buried
Now I'm running away
On wet, wet ground
It looks like you
And don't tell me
I'll be back to be drunk
I'm just asleep on
The dirtiest mattress
Lying on the street near your neighborhood
And now it starts to rain
br/>I go back to my usual bed
But I'm still here
So only, so only, so only, so only
Where Am I going to catch myself?
Now I react again
My watch falls on me
And I can't take it anymore
This scary story
à Turn off the TV now!
I've lost my way
The notion of time
A dark alley draws a funeral
ÃÂThe moon has died !
Let the wind shut up!
A light in the distance illuminates a figure
That seemed like glory but
It was only the garbage truck
Making its route
Everything remains the same as yesterday
The same faces as always
The same crying that made me
It made me cry for so long
The same time to waste
It seems like an eternity
I never finish this bottle
Because it continues to be
The bottom is getting further and further away
I always come back to vomit
And my house burns again
With all my junk inside
All my memories
All my illusions
ÃÂMy whole life! Empty of sensations
And here the sky is falling
I have nowhere to go
I fall asleep in every corner, they are made for me Â
Now I don't recognize you, I don't remember
I don't know, I'm sorry I can't remember everything