Ian Beckman & Forte Studios that s the world of warcraft that you play! v2

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There's travel in your future when you see you can transform into almost anything
You'll be confused with so much choice, just go Boomkin and you won't have to try
You are the best freaking class in the game with a burst that helps you eat everything for lunch,
But everyone hates it and wants you nerfed, to the forums let the community hear you cry
Your damage is-infinitely huge, but that's really all you're known for.
The problem is you'll be ripped to shreds, You are glass, time to run fast, now you're gonna die.
That's the World of Warcraft that you play! x2
Death Knight!
90 percent of you rolled this class
Because you thought it was the coolest thing to do
But that hasn't stopped you from playing every single
role in game, you think you are a god.
Invisibility is your ally,
but everyone can see you.
You should've used better judgement
and played a class that does more than poke, poke again then dodge.
You've always tried to be a caster
But priests are the second bananas, oh yes
Better just toss a bunch of dots down, think of Holy and disc specs then ponder suicide
The thing you do best is help your friends during battles and fights
Your patience will be tested by routine,
Prepare to die, you're a tool, at least you fought and tried
That's the World of Warcraft that you play! x2
So if there's anything I've learned it is that each
and every class is pretty equal and the best is
really your own point of view, the game has been
around for longer than you think and changed for
better and for worse although it doesn't really matter
as it shows that you have no life whatsoever and
the things you've come to love will soon be gone for
good with new expansion sets, so I suggest you go
outside and ride your bike, hop in a pool, or play
with kittens so you get away and do productive work.
Where was I?
You might have incredible strength,
And you can probably own somebody's face.
No wait that's not true because you're nerfed,
you'll never kill a soul with your crappy sword.
Being a paladin is always great,
you're popular for you tanking and healing skills,
Everybody loves your company,
You're too perfect, but who cares, you'll never be bored.
Blizzard is slowly taking away your cool moves...
Complain now so they will buff you again,
No doubt that you'll wait for a million years.
All the pandas think you're a tanking damage
wonder, but you know they're jealous,
If I were you, I'd get some gear and raid all day and
always always always always always concoct yummy beer.
That's the World of Warcraft that you play! x4


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