SCU Ensemble jen there you are!

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This is the part where I kiss your head
You're sleeping soundly; I don't want to wake you
This is the part where I pack my bag
I pack light, I can't afford to take too much...
This is the part where I fold up the note
That I wrote to Yasha, I prop it on the table,
This is the part where I stop at the door,
Drop my bag and run to kiss your head ONCE MORE...
This is the part where tears come
This is the part where I turn to run
This is the part where I double over
The pain is overwhelming as the day you were born
This is the part where I split in two
Strange as it sounds, there's no other way to say it
One of me turns, but the other scoops you up,
And you're so light, you don't weigh a thing...
That's how I bring you with me
And everywhere I go
You are always there
A thousand miles from home
You are always there
We gaze at the planets,
Sleep on a park bench,
Wake to a flashlight's glare,
You are there.
You are always there.
Scavenging to eat
You are always there
I sing you to sleep
A lullaby prayer
And you give me strength
To keep on searching
Year after wandering year
A reason to care
You are there
Was I there?
You were there
Was I always there?
You were always there
In this life we share
I am always there
You are always...
(SID positions herself beneath the freeway, exactly as she was during the temptations sequence.)
This is the part where I face the truth
Admit to myself that I left you long ago
The part where all illusions die
Don't leave me, Mama
This is the moment I leave behind
All that I knew
Oh Mama, No
All that I was
Mama, no
All that I held
All that I loved
This is the moment I am no longer I...
(An earth-shaking rumble starts, low at first, then building. As RAINA watches helplessly from the edge of the stage, SID's breathing becomes louder. On the scrim her shadow grows larger and larger until it is enormous. The music rises and rises. SID reaches out her hand and touches the earth. She speaks in a voice unlike any she has used before.)
As the earth bears witness to the work I've done over a hundred thousand lifetimes, I have the right to be free.