Tehosekoitin luulen niin

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The vanity of vanities
Everything is useless under the sun
What has been, will be again
The cycle of days is endless
The sun rises in the east and sets again in the west
After dying, the wind returns to its cycle again I think so. vr to be right again
Where there is much wisdom there is much sadness
I think so
I think so
So I wanted to be happy
And please myself
My life in a short time< br/>Enjoying my actions
Only for a moment I was able to enjoy it until it happened again
Time doesn't stop and it doesn't fly by
I think so
I think so
I got so full of my love
A girl chasing the wind
A buzzing sound in my ears
My songs have changed
For the wise die as the fool also dies
The evil disappears as the beautiful withers
I think so
I think yes
There is a time for everything
And time wipes everything away again
No one knows the end
I don't have any idea
That's why I accept every moment I get
It is time with love, time with hate
I think so
I think so
I can't bear the epilyst
Finally I understand it -
Trke is understood
That what the truth cannot understand
What can be said cannot be the truth
And what can be expressed is worth nothing
I think so
I think so