The Monolith Deathcult kindertodeslied

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'The swastika is our sun*
Victory is a commandment
The empire is paradise on earth
and the leader is our God
We learn history in school,
/>the history of our people
Germany is victorious on all fronts
and the world is completely defenseless!!'
Immune for the truth, prepared for death
They fight for the leader against the armies from the East
'The monsters from the East are the enemies of the Reich
And humanity pays the highest price for the teaching of communism
That's why we have to eradicate them, the youth ready!
We are marching straight to Moscow, we are preventing world slavery!'
They are the 'last hope',
camping in the streets of Berlin
Death creeps through the evening wind< br/>and squeezes the soul out of the child
When the angel of death comes for them,
is the youth ready?
With their hands around the bazooka,
they want to die for this Reich?
'The pathetic army marches immediately into death's mouth
The last twitch of the Third Reich has ignited
Children's eyes stare into the air,
with the chest completely devastated
/>The Führer's last and most loyal line
lies bleeding on the ground
The children march in rows
toward heaven, heartily so heartily
They gave their blood
and now enter the children's kingdom'
'Wüster Stolz races through my body when the people's receiver screams...'
This track is based on the characters Inge & Peter from the 2004 German/Austrian film Der Ruhe. The city of Berlin is heavily defeated in May 1945. As a desperate last resort, Hitler used his brainwashed army of children to 'resist' against the Bolshevik Russian Hordes. Kindertodeslied is written from the distorted point of view of 12-year-old children, who, sickened by years of propaganda, still believed they were fighting for the 'Cause', and were helping to save their beloved (and by then hopelessly defeated) Third Rich.
'I saw Kaminski's men removing entire cartloads of stolen jewelry, gold watches, and precious stones. The capture of a liquor supply was more important for the brigade than the seizure of a position commanding the same street.'
[SS General Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski]