Vargas troubled mind

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Once I found that there is
no way to escape
out of this feeling, I can't
fix those mistakes
that I've made.
Someone has to be in my shoes,
that I'm so innocent.
Once that'll make me rise
and stand on pressure.
It just seems like that
I never got to explain something,
but you have to know
what I have made up
for my mind.
Just because I don't have
enough time to fix the problem,
just let me be.
And you have to let me
stand on someone who
took my happiness away.
Just because it's not
what I expect,
I know I have to keep up
with all of my plans.
Oh, I can't stand those
who have no idea on
what I have in mind.
At first, I thought that
I would be happy again.
In my eyes, it just
bothers me every time.
Whether you're pitiful or not,
I understand about
what you have in mind.
At least I can't be
hard at someone flexible.
It just seems like that
I never got to explain something,
but you have to know
what I have made up for my mind.
Just because I don't have
enough time to fix the problem,
just let me be.
And you have to let me
stand on someone who
took my happiness away.
Just because it's not
what I expect,
I know I have to keep up
with all of my plans.
Oh, I can't stand those
who have no idea on
what I have in mind.
Just because I don't have
enough time to fix the problem,
I'll just face it.
And I wonder if there's
some way that could initiate
an argument on someone
who knows what I have.
I am not gonna turn around to
those who have led me
into misery and shame.
Oh, I can't stand those
who have no idea on
what I have in mind.
If there is not a chance,
then I consider it as a
50/50 chance.
I may have jealousy
on somebody at certain times.
But at least there's
no space for revenge.
It just seems like that
I never got to explain something,
but you have to know
what I have made up for my mind.
Just because I don't have
enough time to fix the problem,
just let me be.
And you have to let me
stand on someone who
took my happiness away.
Just because it's not
what I expect,
I know I have to keep up
with all of my plans.
Oh, I can't stand those
who have no idea on
what I have in mind.
Just because I don't have
enough time to fix the problem,
I'll just face it.
And I wonder if there's
some way that could initiate
an argument on someone
who knows what I have.
I am not gonna turn around to
those who have led me
into misery and shame.
Oh, I can't stand those
who have no idea on
what I have in mind.