Gravedale High living the dead way

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Saturday Night - Its Road Trip Time
I'm Up For Driving and Feelin Fine
Ash Drank too Much Passed Out in the Boot
Before we even started but shit its all Good
Evil and Cj Chilling in the back
Renfields up Front - Can't Read the Fuckin map
Put on some tunes start chillin back
This is the life
we fucking rock!
Ghouls night out
so much fun
Hit the music now were on the run
Flyin down the motorway
nothin like livin the dead way
flashin blue lights
gotta be the cops
theyve seen the beers and asked us to stop
can i see some ID says the man
got a death certificate - does that scan?
no jokin son this is a serious crime
outta the car its breathtest time
exhale so hard my jaw falls off
cop freaks out - slaps on the cuffs
Ghouls night out
so much fun
Hit the music now were on the run
Flyin down the motorway
nothin like livin the dead way
whats in the boot - asks the man in blue
i open it up for him to view
jesus he's dead!
the cop shouts
we know that fool but he's just passed out!
read us our rights and take us away
off to jail to make us pay
chucked in the cell with the rest of the pack
theres a fat guy in here
feel like a snack
Ghouls night out
so much fun
Hit the music now were on the run
Flyin down the motorway
nothin like livin the dead way